Sunday 17 July 2011

Final Day of Teaching + Final Harry Potter = An Emotional Day!

So, I've done it. I have survived two weeks of teaching in a foreign country armed only with a handful of lesson plans, and I stuck it out until the end. Finally, I've put my issues with confidence aside to do something worthwhile.

And it may sound egotistical to say so, but I'm pretty damn proud of that.

I was lucky enough to have a lovely class on the last day who were happy to just sit and chat about what life was like in Britain, and the traditions of their culture. I sincerely hope that they got something out of it. I told a few of the girls in the class I'd write references for them for the universities they apply to, which I think put them at ease a little. They have nothing to worry about though; their English was incredible. Certainly better than my Romanian... At the end, both classes got their certificates and the glow of pride on their faces was enough to make all the challenges worth it. It was quite emotional saying goodbye to Andra as I now consider her a friend despite having only known her a couple of weeks, but I said that it wasn't really goodbye as she'd be coming to London soon and I'd be her tour guide. She gave me one of her favourite English books and wrote a little message inside, which was really sweet and something that I'll definitely treasure.

After the last ever lesson we headed off to see the final Harry Potter, and it was powerful stuff indeed (see my review in the next blog post). I was so engrossed in it all that I didn't even mind the Romanian subtitles!

Of course, everyone else on the SCROLL project should be proud of themselves. I got to know a couple of other girls on the scheme in Arad a little better during the trip who were absolutely lovely, but didn't give themselves enough credit as it sounded like they'd done an amazing job. They had clearly made a big impact on their kids.

It just goes to show that when you stick with something and don't give up, especially if it isn't easy, you really can make a positive difference. I intend to keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone in the future: only then can you have new, exciting adventures, meet new people from all walks of life and become a better person. Only then can you do things that are truly worthwhile.

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