Thursday 29 December 2011

New Year's Resolutions: The Good, The Clichéd and The Just-Plain-Ridiculous

Happy almost-new year, lovely people! It's been a while, but finally I thought it's about time I start blogging again - starting with sharing my resolutions with you as this year draws to a close. They may not be all that interesting or original (wow, I'm really selling this to you, aren't I?) but hopefully it will encourage you to come up with your own and consequently feel excited about the year ahead.
Typically, resolutions are all about giving things up, whether it's losing weight, quitting smoking or resisting chocolate. The problem with this is that by the time February comes, people usually end up as bitter quivering wrecks, despairing at having fallen at the first hurdle. Just picture it: an impossibly slender woman jogs past on an advert for some sports drink. You go to shake your fist angrily at the television, then to your horror realise that your arm is in fact too heavy to lift off the floor. In desperation, you reach into the Quality Street box left over from Christmas, but alas! Only the ridiculously hard ones that break your teeth are left, yet you eat them anyway in a last-ditch attempt to alleviate your misery. Now you feel even worse, because nobody could fancy a toothless chocolate addict.

So, my resolutions this year are going to focus on taking action, whether that means taking on fresh challenges or trying to become a better person. Perhaps then I'll be able to stick to them.
Here goes...bear with me...

Go to another music festival - I miss the atmosphere and raw energy of live music. Who's up for coming with me to one this summer?
Take up swing-dancing or salsa - Because having fun is infinitely more important than looking like a twat.
Write more and have the courage to enter short story competitions - In writing, I can express myself much more eloquently than speaking. Just need to find the confidence for this one. I'm sure it's hiding somewhere. Perhaps under the sofa?
Play more piano/take up a new instrument like guitar or bongo drums - I've had a passion for piano since the ickle age of five. It's about time I rekindled it.
Pass driving test without crashing/killing poor innocent bystander - Even though I don't need to drive while at uni, I should really learn before I graduate and real life kicks in!
See more of the world - Because the world is out there waiting to be discovered. Yes I'm aware I sound like a Lonely Planet ad.
Keep things in perspective - There are many people that get dealt a bad hand in life, and how do they react? By getting on with it and not wallowing in self-pity. Instead of feeling hard done-by when things get tough, I'll be sure to count my blessings.
Spend more time with family - Sometimes I don't realise how remarkably lucky I am to have such a wonderful, caring family who are always there for me. This Christmas made me realise that I should cherish the time I have with them before it's too late.
Make more effort with friends - Similarly, I'm incredibly lucky to have such amazing, supportive friends. I'm going to make sure they know how special they are, and how much I appreciate them.
Put 100% into societies and volunteering at uni - I'd love to make a real difference and do the best I possibly can for the things I'm involved in at uni, and most importantly make the new people as welcome and settled as I felt when I joined initially.
Do something that scares me - So that I can say I've survived it!
Be more considerate - We all have selfish tendencies, but from now on I'm going to make a conscious effort to put others first.
Strike up conversations with strangers - Who knows, I could make a friend for life whilst waiting in a queue in Tesco!
Do at least one nice thing for someone every day - Because if you think about it, we're all on this planet together so why not help each other?
Perform a duet with Jools Holland - That man is a legend.

Hire Yoda as my life coach - Wise, he is.
Now it's your turn! I wish you a happy, healthy and downright wonderful 2012 :)