Saturday 20 August 2011

Bravery Over Beauty

I will be the first to admit that I'm not perfect. I'm certainly no Kate Winslet. My nose is the size of Pluto (the planet, not the dog) and my legs leave a lot to be desired. Yet I can accept these flaws, because I don't consider them to be a priority. The other day I ventured into town without make-up, and despite feeling self-conscious at first it was one of the most liberating experiences I have had so far. You stop anxiously checking your reflection in the shop windows and focus on other aspects, like intelligent conversation and having fun with the people you care about. I make it my mission every day to attempt to be a good person and friend, and focus on the positive things about myself and others. Shouldn't this be more important?

Have a look at the inspirational stories of the two incredible, courageous women below:

True beauty is not defined by owning the latest mascara: it's overcoming your imperfections, caring about other people rather than just yourself, staring your fears in the face and fighting for what you feel strongly about. We all have so many more positive qualities than negative, but it's the latter we choose to dwell on. Instead of fretting over the size of our waists, we should be more concerned about how wide our smiles are.